API Documentation
Developer Support
Welcome to the portal home page for all of CLA's publicly facing APIs. This site contains basic information around the methods and parameters of the various APIs available.
Further documentation
For more detailed documentation, please refer the "Documentation" tab above for some useful links. If this is not sufficient, please get in contact with us.
All APIs share a base authentication which requires users to sign up and make request for subscription. CLA will review any subscription requests, though we make contact you before accepting. Once subscription has been accepted, please go to the Profile page to get your subscription key for use in the authentication header.
Contact us
We have an IT support team that can assist with any queries, accessible by emailing apisupport@cla.co.uk, or log an issue in the "Issues" tab above.
Our APIs
Digital Content Store API
You will need to use the DCS authorization headers and the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key to gain access.